[pso] o mica nelamurie

Mihai Iancu pso@cursuri.cs.pub.ro
Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:21:51 -0700 (PDT)

<quote>You can see in our example, that symbols are
static. This brings another problematic to
our attention: If a module is part of the kernel, then
all symbols defined in the module
are visible by the rest of the kernel. This can be
useful if we want to stack modules
together (module using other modules functions). But
if this is not the case, it only
results in so-called namespace pollution. Old style
code sets members as static to
prevent this phenomena (static members are not
exported by almost all modutils). But
more recent kernels provide macros to explicitly hide
symbols using the EXPORT_NO_SYMBOLS
macro defined in sysdep.h. There is also a mechanism
to explicitly export symbols, but
we will not dig further into this.

--- martin paraschiv <bear_ly81@yahoo.com> wrote:

> as vrea sa stiu de ce anumite functii din device
> drivere trebuie sa fie statice.
> Intuitiv banuiesc ca un motiv ar fi acela de
> concurenta ("concurrence" ) cu care se confrunta un


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