[pso] PIO :((

Mihai Iancu pso@cursuri.cs.pub.ro
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 00:37:04 -0800 (PST)

Ca prea nu au mai fost mesaje pe grup, here's one:

 am o mica problema, de cand am luat un hard 
 mai maricel cam 200Gb windows tot face fallback
 la PIO pe IDE channel-ul pe care e pus hardul.

O solutie sa restaurez UDMA e sa dau uninstall la
IDE channel ( in device manager )

Dar .... parca e cam "strange" solutia.

In DDK gasesc doar functii de genul
 HwIdeXTransferModeSelect cu care obtin doar
 si nu pot seta nimic (?)

Am mai gasit si articolul KB323760 
care zice:

"However, Atapi.sys does not support redetecting and
resetting the timing transfer modes during
or warm-swapping. Therefore, in some cases in which 
the swapped drives support different transfer modes
such as UMDA, DMA, or PIO, the resulting transfer 
mode of the final device may slow down, or may 
default to the lowest possible mode (PIO mode)"

E vreo solutie sa poata fi modificat modul de transfer
fara a face restart?

- In registry am mai vazut ca se poate sterge
checksum-ul pt un device si la rebootare ii face
o noua "autodetectie" ... dar vreau un hdparm :(

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