[so] Workshop 5 - Review

Alexandru Juncu alexj at rosedu.org
Fri Mar 29 00:24:10 EET 2013

2013/3/29 Daniel Baluta <daniel.baluta at gmail.com>:
> 2013/3/29 Daniel Baluta <daniel.baluta at gmail.com>:
>> Buna,
>> Workshop-ul 5 a intrat in faza de review.
>> Va trebui sa va logati in interfata WoSO [1] si sa corectati
>> workshop-urile a doi colegi.
>> Pentru orice alte probleme legate de workshopul 4 folositi acest
> s/4/5, copy paste error :D.

And this, boys and girls, is why you should use defined constants and
leave the preprocessor do the work ;)

>> thread pentru a posta intrebari.
>> Deadline: Joi, 04.04.2013, ora 23:00

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