[pso] Google Tech Talk - Getting Directions in Google Maps

Razvan Deaconescu razvan.deaconescu at cs.pub.ro
Sat Jun 4 21:23:36 EEST 2011


Vă transmit invitația[1] pentru tech talk-ul "Getting Directions in
Google Maps" susținut de Mihai Stroe.


Marti 7 iunie, ora 15 in EC105 are loc prezentarea:

Getting Directions in Google Maps

Mihai Stroe, Engineering Manager for the Directions group

Getting directions is one of the most important features in Google Maps.
We use advanced routing algorithms in very large graphs: the road
network of the world (for driving, walking and biking directions), and
large public transportation networks. In this talk I will present some
of the state-of-the-art routing algorithms, and talk about what we do in
Directions at Google. If you are an algorithms or technology enthusiast,
this talk is for you.

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