[pso] [Tema2][Win]Eroare load

Alin Popescu alinpopescu at live.com
Fri Apr 23 17:15:27 EEST 2010

==== Module insertion and port&interrupt registration ============
test 0001: driver load objchk_wnet_x86\i386\uart16550.sys...passed
test 0002: driver load _test\solutie.sys....................passed
test 0003: driver unload uart16550..........................passed
test 0004: driver unload solutie............................passed
==== Reading at base speed (2400 baud) ===========================
test 0005: driver load objchk_wnet_x86\i386\uart16550.sys...passed
test 0006: driver load _test\solutie.sys....................passed
test 0007: open \\.\uart1...................................passed
test 0008: open \\.\uart0...................................passed
test 0009: dummy DeviceIoControl \\.\uart1..................passed
test 0010: dummy DeviceIoControl \\.\uart0..................passed
test 0011: set line \\.\uart1...............................passed
test 0012: set line \\.\uart0...............................passed
test 0013: write \\.\uart1..................................passed

The specified service has been marked for deletion.
Testerul se blocheaza aici. Exista vreo solutie de a incarca driverul in  
afara de restart?
Si inca o intrebare. \\.\uart1 este al meu sau al solutie?

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