[pso] Tema 2 Linux - Alocare IRQs & inregistrare handler

Octavian Purdila pso@cursuri.cs.pub.ro
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 16:35:48 +0300

On Thursday 31 March 2005 16:24, Horia Geanta wrote:
> Nu-mi imi este clar care este momentul in care se aloca irq-urile
> pentru driver si se face inregistrarea handler-ului.
>     Citez din Linux Device Drivers (capitolul 10):
> "A module is expected to request an interrupt channel (or IRQ, for
> interrupt request) before using it and to release it when
> finished.[...] The interrupt handler can be installed either at
> driver initialization or when the device is first opened. Although
> installing the interrupt handler from within the module's
> initialization function might sound like a good idea, it often isn't,
> especially if your device does not share interrupts. Because the
> number of interrupt lines is limited, you don't want to waste them.
> You can easily end up with more devices in your computer than there
> are interrupts. If a module requests an IRQ at initialization, it
> prevents any other driver from using the interrupt, even if the
> device holding it is
> never used. Requesting the interrupt at device open, on the other
> hand, allows some
> sharing of resources."

Chestia cu "some sharing" dupa parerea mea este trasa de par. Solutia 
corecta pentru problema cu faptul ca exista putine intreruperi este sa 
folositi rutine de tratare partajabile.

>        Intreb deoarece am experimentat cu driverele de serial din
> Linux (serial_core.ko + 8250.ko) si daca nu le dau parametri (==>
> folosesc IRQ-uri nepartajabile in mod implicit) :
>        La   cat /proc/interrupts nu apar IRQ3 si/sau IRQ4 "in use"
>        La   cat /dev/ttyS0 si apoi cat /proc/interrupts (in alta
> consola), apare IRQ3 si/sau 4
>       Din test rezulta ca trebuie alocate imediat dupa incarcarea
> modulului (in functia data parametru lui module_init), dar asa este
> corect in general ?

Intr-adevar, e mai bine sa le alocati la open. 
