[pso] Tema 2 Windows

Razvan Hobeanu pso@cursuri.cs.pub.ro
Wed, 1 Sep 2004 10:31:10 -0700 (PDT)

status = IoCreateDevice(...);

DbgPrint("IoCreateDevice Status: %08x\n",status);

(sau pune un breakpoint)

dupa care cauti valoarea in ntstatus.h

Daca tu in DriverEntry returnezi orice altceva decat
STATUS_SUCCESS (asa cum faci tu returnand status-ul de
la IoCreateDevice), atunci normal ca driver-ul nu o sa
ramana incarcat.

--- Ioan MANEA <ioan@home.ro> wrote:

> In DriverEntry apelez IoCreateDevice. Rezultatul nu
> este STATUS_SUCCESS, dar nici
> Cand execut "driver load tema1.sys" imi da eroarea:
> "can't start service: the filename, directory name,
> or volume label syntax is incorect".
> Sunt aproape sigur ca eroarea provine din
> IoCreateDevice deoarece am testat punand direct
> "return IoCreateDevice (...);".

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