[so] Scoala de vara Intel

Alexandru Radovici msg4alex at gmail.com
Fri May 24 14:03:57 EEST 2013


  Intel organizeaza doua scoli de vara doua scoli de vara interesante:
Agile si Perceptual Computing. Aveti anuntul complet mai jos:

Buna ziua,

In perioada 17 iunie - 5 iulie, UPB in colaborare cu Intel Romania
organizeaza doua scoli de vara: Perceptual Computing Summer School si
Agile Programming Summer School. Mai multe detalii si descrierile
celor doua scoli de vara se gasesc mai jos.

= Intel Perceptual Computing Summer School =

* When: June 17th - July 5th, 2013

* Where: EG405, UPB

* URL: http://intel.pub.ro/perc

* Description:

Perceptual computing will fundamentally change how people interact
with their PCs in intuitive, natural and engaging ways. With the
Intel®Perceptual Computing SDK 2013, developers can create exciting
new applications that take advantage of the SDK’s core capabilities:
close-range hand and finger tracking, speech recognition, face
analysis, and augmented reality.

The Intel® Perceptual Computing Summer School offers the opportunity
to learn basic elements of human interface design, to become familiar
with the PerC SDK and to develop applications that use the new sensing
technologies offered by the Creative Interactive Gesture Camera.

= Intel Agile Programming Summer School =

* When: June 17th - 28th, 2013

* Where: Intel Student Open Lab (EG306), UPB

* URL: http://intel.pub.ro/agile

* Description:

Sprint, Velocity, Stories - software and hardware teams are using
these terms quite often. But what do they really mean? How do these
apply to the projects that you're involved with today? This workshop,
taught by experienced practitioners, is a mixture of lecture and
interactive team exercises. Students will learn about Scrum by using
Scrum practices throughout the class. Throughout the workshop, the
Intel trainers from the Intel Emergent Systems and Coaching Group will
relay their experience implementing Agile in small teams all the way
up to 150+ people teams.

* Projects

During the summer school, students will be divided into two teams,
each of them building one of the following projects:

1. Image effects for Android Cameras - The project aims at building an
application that will display in real time picture effects for the
image captured form the device's camera.
2. Interactive multiplayer puzzle game for Android - The game provide
each user a puzzle a separate image he or she needs to solve. The
problem is that all the puzzle pieces are split among users, each of
them having some of the pieces of his/her image and some of the pieces
of the other users' images

Following this training, students will be able to:

1. Explain the Agile principles and practices

2. Describe Scrum concepts and roles

3. Describe the necessary steps to implement Scrum in their team

4. Identify impediments to implementing Scrum in their team.

Alexandru RADOVICI
Universitatea "Politehnica" din Bucuresti

e-mail: alex at ipworkshop.ro
telefon: 0742061223

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