[so] VmChecker

Andrei Draga andreidraga at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 7 02:55:36 EET 2012

1) Checker-ul local nu calculeaza corect suma ( il pot modifica, dar poate vreti
sa-l modificati pentru toata lumea )

$ ./nur.sh 
gcc -c tema1.c
gcc -o mini-shell tema1.o myheader.o parser.yy.o parser.tab.o -Wall

                         = Testing - mini-shell =

01) Testing commands without arguments......................passed  [03/90]
02) Testing commands with arguments.........................passed  [02/90]
03) Testing simple redirect operators.......................passed  [05/90]
04) Testing append redirect operators.......................failed  [ 0/90]
05) Testing current directory...............................passed  [05/90]
06) Testing conditional operators...........................passed  [05/90]
07) Testing sequential commands.............................passed  [03/90]
08) Testing environment variables...........................passed  [05/90]
09) Testing single pipe.....................................passed  [05/90]
10) Testing multiple pipes..................................passed  [10/90]
11) Testing variables and redirect..........................passed  [05/90]
12) Testing overwritten variables...........................passed  [02/90]
13) Testing all operators...................................failed  [ 0/90]
14) Testing parallel operator...............................passed  [10/90]
15) Testing big file........................................failed  [ 0/90]
16) Testing sleep command...................................passed  [07/90]
17) Testing fscanf function.................................passed  [07/90]
18) Testing unknown command.................................passed  [04/90]

                                                            Total:  [18/90]

2) Si eu obtin mai putin pe Vmchecker decat pe statia locala. Care ar putea sa
fie cauza ? ( 8 si 12 se mai adauga pe lista celor 3 failed )

3) Pentru cazurile in care checker-ul se blocheaza la un exercitiu, ar fi bine
sa puneti o cuanta de timp / task. Daca este depasita se va acorda punctajul 0
pe acel task, testarea continuand.

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