[so] Tema 3 windows probleme compilare

Faur Andrei faur.andrei at yahoo.com
Sat May 10 15:31:22 EEST 2008

Am rezolvat.
Mai includeam windows.h si in fisierul principal. L-am sters, am dat #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 inainte de 
windows.h in tema5.h si acum merge.

Thanks for the help

Morala : citeste ce scrie la remarks in API

so say we all :P

----- Original Message ----
From: Faur Andrei <faur.andrei at yahoo.com>
To: so at cursuri.cs.pub.ro
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 3:04:42 PM
Subject: [so]  Tema 3 windows probleme compilare

Nope, tot asa face :(

P.S.: for some reason nu am primit reply-ul in mail asa ca nu pot sa dau reply.

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