[so] [tema4]variabile conditie

Diana-Elena Gratie diana_gratie at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 27 23:17:49 EEST 2008

Nu inteleg cum ar trebui sa folosim variabilele conditie. Eu m-am gandit la un vector de variabile conditie, tinut in structura monitor. Dar ca parametru in wait eu primesc un int. Am cautat definirea tipului pthread_cond_t, dar nu am reusit sa gasesc. Am gasit in schimb asta:
All of the types are defined as arithmetic types of an appropriate length,
with the following exceptions: key_t, pthread_attr_t, pthread_cond_t, pthread_condattr_t, pthread_key_t, pthread_mutex_t, pthread_mutexattr_t, pthread_once_t, pthread_rwlock_t and pthread_rwlockattr_t. 
Din asta inteleg ca pthread_cond_t nu prea e un tip aritmetic, ca sa zic ca pot folosi int...
Ma poate lamuri cineva, pls?

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