[so] Ixia internships and scholarships

Octavian Purdila tavi at cs.pub.ro
Wed Oct 17 22:10:57 EEST 2007

Ixia is the leading provider of performance test systems for IP-based 
infrastructure and services. Ixia’s test systems are used by Network and 
Telephony Equipment Manufacturers, Semiconductor Manufacturers, Service 
Providers, Governments, and Enterprises to validate the functionality and 
reliability of complex IP networks, devices, and applications. 

Ixia encourages and sponsors research in the following fields:
- TCP/IP networking: stack optimization, protocol implementation
- Operating systems: kernel optimization, scalability improvements

This year, we offer internships for students in the 3rd and 4th year and 
scholarships for students in their 5th year of study for working on their 
graduate projects. The selected students will work on research projects in 
the Ixia Laboratory (http://ixlabs.cs.pub.ro). 

- Networking knowledge – TCP/IP
- Linux programming - kernel, user-space
- Coding skills: C/C++

If you are interested, please submit your CV to: ixia at cs.pub.ro, no later than 
Monday, Oct 22, 2007. You will be notified by email on the status of your 

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