[so] Times

dalex alex so@cursuri.cs.pub.ro
Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:22:44 -0800 (PST)

--- Octavian Purdila <tavi@cs.pub.ro> wrote:

> Nu. IOTime se calculeaza ca diferente timpului
> absolut, si nu a CPUTime-ului 
> (folosesti ce intoarce times si nu tms->tms_stime)
Din man pt times:

The function times returns the number of clock ticks
that have elapsed since an arbitrary point in the
past. For Linux this  point
       is  the  moment the system was booted.  This
return value may overflow the possible range of type

Din cate stiu eu, cam la 70 si ceva de minute, times()
o ia de la inceput. Asta ar putea sa fie o problema in
calcularea timpilor daca pornim procesele aproape de
acest moment.

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