[so] inca o data - "parser mistic" -poate macar de data asta primesc si eu un raspuns

Dorin Cristescu so@cursuri.cs.pub.ro
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:54:08 -0800 (PST)

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mainu meu:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ while(7)
{ putchar('#');

si outputu meu:
[root@localhost so]# gcc lex.yy.c parser.tab.c redir.c
[root@localhost so]# ./a.out
#a.out  lex.yy.c  parser.h  parser.l  parser.tab.c  parser.tab.h  parser.y 
redir.c  tmp
[root@localhost so]# input in flex scanner failed

[root@localhost so]#
[root@localhost so]# ./a.out

nu stiu sa folosesc ocultul gdb.

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<DIV>salve.<BR><BR>mainu meu:<BR>int main(int argc, char **argv)<BR>{ while(7)<BR>{ putchar('#');<BR>&nbsp;yyparse();<BR>&nbsp; if(command)exe(command);<BR>}<BR>}<BR><BR>si outputu meu:<BR>[root@localhost so]# gcc lex.yy.c parser.tab.c redir.c<BR>[root@localhost so]# ./a.out<BR>#<BR>#<BR>#<BR>#<BR>#<BR>#ls<BR>#a.out&nbsp; lex.yy.c&nbsp; parser.h&nbsp; parser.l&nbsp; parser.tab.c&nbsp; parser.tab.h&nbsp; parser.y <BR>redir.c&nbsp; tmp<BR>[root@localhost so]# input in flex scanner failed<BR><BR>[root@localhost so]#<BR>[root@localhost so]# ./a.out<BR><BR>??<BR>idei?<BR>nu stiu sa folosesc ocultul gdb.<BR>Merci. <BR></DIV></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com 