[oss] Processed feedback for CNS 2017-2018

Razvan Deaconescu razvan.deaconescu at cs.pub.ro
Fri Feb 23 16:00:46 EET 2018

Hi, everyone.

We've processed here[1] your feedback for CNS 2017-2018.

The team, the labs, the practical side, demos, lecture videos, the
assignments/CTFs have been praised. On the negative side, the room was
too small for the lectures, some tasks are mundane and we need to
provide a bit more support (such as providing resources for assembly
language and filling the TODOs in the slides :-D).

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions, we will take them into account
for CNS 2018-2019.

[1] https://ocw.cs.pub.ro/courses/cns/need-to-know#feedback

The CNS Team

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