[oss] Feedback form for OSS class

Razvan Deaconescu razvan.deaconescu at cs.pub.ro
Sat May 25 11:33:33 EEST 2013

Hi, everyone!

Thanks for the feedback you provided during the last lab. We'll use it
for improving the class next year.

We also kindly ask you to fill the faculty feedback form for the OSS
class. We would appreciate your evaluation and suggestions for the OSS

Please go to the SRED instance on the cs.curs.pub.ro site[1] and fill
the feedback form there. Please enroll to the site if you haven't
already done this. Choose "Răzvan Rughiniș" as the class teacher and
"Răzvan Deaconescu" as the lab teaching assistant.

[1] http://cs.curs.pub.ro/2012/course/view.php?id=220

Many thanks,

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