[oss] Teams in labs and CTF solution presentations

Razvan Deaconescu razvan.deaconescu at cs.pub.ro
Fri Mar 22 12:48:38 EET 2013


Starting from the next lab (lab 5) I will not engage in solving CTF
tasks. This will be done by you. More specifically you will split in two
teams and solve two different CTF tasks. They will probably be two
consecutive levels of the io.smasthestack.org CTF. One team will simply
enter the password (without knowing the solution) for the first level
and move on to solving the second one.

In order to better assimilate the topics in CTFs, I propose that each
week, 2-3 people will present (in at most 15 minutes) the solution for a
given task. He/She may use slides, the whiteboard, a wiki etc. The aim
is to better explain the solution to colleagues. We will start next
Monday, March 25th, 2013, with the first two levels in
io.smashthestack.org. Each of you would need to make at least one
presentation during the semester. Who's in for Monday for the first two

I've created a short entry on the wiki[1].

[1] http://elf.cs.pub.ro/oss/wiki/labs/lab-05


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