[oss] Assignment 1&2 Deadline

Lucian Cojocar cojocar at rosedu.org
Mon Dec 2 21:44:43 EET 2013


this is a reminder that the deadline for Assignment 1&2 is on 4th of
December at 23:55 EET (UTC+02:00).

You should upload only a README file on the curs.cs.pub.ro[1] interface.
If you want to reference some code that you wrote, you can do so by
specifying the path on your home directory. You can leave the file
wherever you want in your home, on the server, just specify the path.

There are 10 levels, meaning that you'll get maximum points for this
assignment by solving (and explaining) 9 tasks. If you solve all of
them, the extra points will be added to your final grade.

Have fun!


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